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Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Sun 18 Cap 04 Pluto 4 Lib 26
Moon 1 Pis 59 N. Node 16 Cap 51
Mercury 5 Cap 53 Asc. 13 Tau 25
Venus 25 Sag 51 MC 21 Cap 01
Mars 6 Sag 00 2nd cusp 12 Gem 04
Jupiter 19 Cap 34 3rd cusp 2 Can 02
Saturn 14 Gem 48 5th cusp 13 Leo 49
Uranus 22 Lib 54 6th cusp 18 Vir 24
Neptune 6 Sag 28

Tropical Placidus Standard time observed

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min Trine : 5 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min Sextile : 4 Deg 00 Min
Square : 5 Deg 00 Min Quincunx : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc : 3 Deg 00 Min Above, 5 Deg 00 Min Below


Section 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

The following is a description of your basic stance towards life, the way others see you, the way you come across, the face you show to the world. In Chapter 3 you will read about the "The Inner You: Your Real Motivation", which describes the kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie. Read this chapter and the next one and compare them - there may be significant differences between them, in which case "the inner you" may not shine through and others are in for some surprises when they get to know you at a more than superficial level. This chapter describes the costume you wear, your role in life, while Chapter 3 talks about the real person inside the costume.

Taurus Rising:

You have a sensible and realistic outlook on life and your two feet are always planted firmly on the ground (though you may, on occasion, have your head in the clouds). Others often see you as a rock of strength, solid, reliable, dependable, and constant. You are, in fact, amazingly consistent for you possess great powers of endurance and do not like to make changes or adjustments in your regular routine. You do things deliberately and methodically and do not easily accommodate the unexpected. Though you have a gentle, even soft, appearance, you are enormously strong-willed and stubborn. You go at your own pace and refuse to be rushed or pushed into anything before you feel sure about it. You can be coaxed and persuaded by charm, beauty, love, or affection - but never forced. You won't fight either, but simply stubbornly resist any attempt to coerce you to do something you do not want to do.

When you have a purpose, you are extremely fixed, immovable, and bullheaded about it. Your obstinacy is often infuriating to others, especially since it takes much provocation to make you flare up or respond to their anger. You appear calm, unruffled, and unemotional most of the time, but behind your easygoing and peaceable appearance there lies great strength. When it comes to a contest of wills, you often win simply due to your relentless persistence, your ability to outlast just about anyone. Another reason for your slowness to make changes is your very strong need for security. You are most comfortable in stable, relatively unchanging conditions and you also have a strong desire for tangible security - a home of your own, money in the bank, job security, etc. The other side of your steadiness is that you easily get caught in a rut and will stay in a familiar situation (be it job, marriage, or whatever) long after it has lost its vitality and interest.

You have a keen appreciation of the natural world and get much happiness from simple creature comforts and the physical world, with all of its myriad delights. You are quite sensual in a very natural, wholesome way and you know how to enjoy yourself. You are appealing to the opposite sex in an earthy way. You are also a great lover of beauty and your tastes are basically conventional or classic - not modern.

Sun Trine Asc.:

You radiate a sense of pride, self-assurance, and a definite awareness of your own importance. It is hard to ignore you when you are present, and your personality may overshadow or dominate the scene.

Asc. Opposition Mars/Uranus

Quite excitable and very impatient, you are ready for a fight in a flash. Because of your impulsive and rash behavior, you also tend to be accident-prone. Everything you do has to be done in a hurry and you expect the same of people in your surroundings.

Asc. Opposition Uranus/Neptune

You are very sensitive to your surroundings and inclined to be easily influenced by others. You tend to avoid confrontations, discussions or arguments for fear that you cannot stand up to them.

Section 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Ascendant in Taurus and Sun in Capricorn:

Although it may seem that you are just patiently plodding along, you are actually quite shrewd and have a clear purpose in mind. You are far more astute and ambitious than your rather gentle, forbearing manner (described in the previous chapter) would indicate.

Sun in Capricorn:

Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven to prove yourself and to achieve material accomplishments and success. Your work, your position in the world, and your contributions to society are very important to you. You will persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice much in the area of personal relationships and home life in order to do so.

You have a thoughtful, quiet, and self-contained disposition and do not readily show your inner feelings and needs. You seem to be always in control, capable, efficient, and strong. You are often the person in the family or group who is given more responsibility (and more work) than the others. You are highly conscientious and even as a child you possessed great maturity, soberness, and worldly wisdom.

You are basically a pragmatic realist, and though you may have all sorts of dreams, ideals and colorful theories, you feel that the ultimate test of a concept is its practical usefulness. You have an innate shrewdness and business sense, and there is a bit of the cynic in you as well.

You are clear-headed, detached and objective, and are not swayed by emotional dramatics. Often you are authoritarian -strictly fair, but without mercy. You have a great respect for tradition and even if you do not agree with certain laws, you will abide by them or work to change them, but never flagrantly disregard them. Careful and conservative, you play by the rules.

You are subtle, understated, quiet, deep, not easy to know intimately, and never superficial. You are a modest person and sometimes overly self-critical. Giving yourself (and others) permission to feel, to play, to be spontaneous and silly, and to be weak and vulnerable sometimes, isn't easy for you.

Your strong points are your depth and thoroughness, patience, tenacity, and faithfulness. Your faults are a tendency to be rigid and inflexible, and too serious.

Sun in 9th house:

World travel, foreign cultures, and studies which expand your intellectual horizons and broaden your understanding of the world are very attractive to you.

You have a philosophical turn of mind and are concerned with seeking answers to the big questions of life or getting the overview of any situation. Abstract concepts and/or plans for the future occupy your mind much of the time.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter:

You are blessed with abundant optimism, self-confidence, and cheerful generosity. Your good will and friendliness win you many allies. You also have grand visions and aspirations, and the desire to succeed in life in a big way. You expect the best, and usually get it.

Sun Square Uranus:

Impulsive, restless, and spontaneous, your life is apt to be somewhat unstable and full of sudden changes. You are extremely independent and crave excitement, adventure, freedom, and discovery. You have a rebellious streak and often feel you are unusual and different from the mainstream of society. The unorthodox and novel appeal to you.

Sun Conjunct Moon/Mars

You are strong-willed, forceful and independent. You know what you want, but sometimes may act too impulsively causing quarrels or disagreement with others. You tend to judge yourself and others quite severely, but you are very sincere, honest and trustworthy.

Sun Conjunct Moon/Neptune

Emotionally, it could be difficult for you to discern illusion from reality. You are impressionable and sympathetic toward others. However, you tend to idealize others and could adopt a fantasy view of a wonderful marriage, causing disappointment later on.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter/N. Node

You have a sense of good fellowship and comradeship and are very much at ease in contact with others. You work successfully with others in your community, groups or associations and may get some assistance from some very powerful and influential people.

Sun Conjunct N. Node/MC

Maintaining contact with your friends and associates is very important to you and you keep in touch with them through your shared interests. Your friends are likely to be very supportive to you in everything you do.

Section 3: Your Elemental Nature

Your fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).

Your "elemental make-up" is described below. Remember that most people are "unbalanced" or lopsided, and if you are lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that you need to consciously develop that aspect of yourself to learn to appreciate and/or to work harder in that dimension of life.

Sometimes we overvalue the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following chapters.

Earth Element is Strong (F,E,A,W Scores = 9,26,4,10):

Your common sense and your ability to use, enjoy, and deal effectively with the physical world are your greatest strengths. You are down-to-earth and capable of managing practical affairs, working, and taking care of the business of day to day living very well. You have a strong urge to be useful and productive. For you, the bottom line is practicality: Does it work? Is it functional? Of what practical use is it? Theories and speculations mean little to you unless there is some concrete purpose, some way to use them in the real world.

You are methodical and enjoy, even thrive on, a steady routine. Your first response to anything novel or experimental is caution, resistance, or skepticism. Basically conservative, you usually make the best of the status quo rather than venturing into the unknown or making changes that could jeopardize your security in any way. Material security is particularly important to you and your sense of well-being is directly linked with financial assets or knowing you have a steady, reliable source of income. You may hold yourself back or pass over opportunities simply because you cannot control or know the outcome ahead of time. Patience and persistence are your gifts, and you build your life on a firm foundation through discipline, work, and planning.

You also have a deep affinity with the natural world, and need to be close to the earth (gardening, camping, or working with your hands using natural materials) in order to feel your best.

Section 4: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Capricorn:

Clear, objective, and realistic, you are unimpressed by exaggerated claims or promises. You insist upon being shown facts to back up any statement you hear, and your natural skepticism often borders on cynicism. You approach problems clearly and rationally and maintain your poise and objectivity even in the midst of critical situations. Anyone seeking your advice is certain to get an unemotional and unbiased assessment of their situation, and you therefore make a good arbitrator or judge. You are thorough, conscientious, and disciplined in your thinking, and have an aptitude for business, organization, and administration. You are also a good strategist, and will plan and patiently follow a realistic course which will lead to your eventual success. Serious-minded and studious, you enjoy quiet time alone for thinking or reading.

Mercury in 9th house:

You have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and wisdom and for an ever broadening understanding of life. You are the perpetual student and will be involved in higher education, philosophy, or religion. Law, broadcasting, publishing, or the field of communications are also areas that interest you. World travel and studying other cultures are also strong urges of yours.

Moon Sextile Mercury:

You have talent for establishing rapport and communicating with people, great personnel skills, and you are adept at dealing with the public. You communicate concern, interest, and the ability to listen, which encourages people to open up and confide in you even if they do not know you well. You create closeness with others by talking to them (even gossiping will do), or by writing intimate, personal letters. Women feel you understand them.

Mercury Square Pluto:

Never satisfied with the face value of anything, you are always probing beneath the surface for deeper reasons and hidden motives - though you rarely reveal your own. You have a very suspicious, even paranoid, side. You mind is penetrating and deep and you have an aptitude for research, investigative reporting, or private investigation. You are keenly interested in the deeper aspects of the human psyche, with a sort of "x-ray vision" regarding the inner motivations and intentions of others. You are drawn to anything secret, hidden, or mysterious, and may pursue esoteric or occult studies. You are also a forceful and convincing speaker or writer, with the ability to influence people's thinking by the sheer power of your conviction.

Mercury Conjunct Sun/Venus

You have a charming disposition and love to socialize and meet new people. You also like to be surrounded by beautiful things and like to talk to others about your views on love problems as well as your views on beauty, fashion and art in general.

Mercury Conjunct Venus/N. Node

You have a strong desire to keep in contact with like-minded people and tend to discuss love problems with them. You seem to be especially drawn to children and young people and are always welcomed and appreciated by them.

Section 5: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Pisces:

Tenderhearted and sympathetic to an unusual degree, you have an understanding of other people's feelings and needs which borders on being telepathic. You are extremely compassionate and cannot bear to see any fellow creature - be it human or animal -suffer. Because of your kindness and nonjudgmental attitude, people in pain or confusion are drawn to you for help, which you readily give. Sometimes your softheartedness is taken advantage of.

You are a gentle, poetic soul and have a great love and affinity for music. Because many of your feelings are nebulous and vague and you cannot easily verbalize how you experience life, music seems a natural language for you. You are also tremendously romantic and are often "in love with love".

Moon in 11th house:

You get a lot of emotional fulfillment through your involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for you. You make friends your family, and feel a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that you hold dear. You need people outside of your physical family to relate to and belong to.

Moon Square Mars:

You are temperamental and impatient and can be very difficult to live with. You tend to respond with a temper tantrum (overt or subtle) if your desires are frustrated. You become very irritable and bad-tempered if you do not have enough vigorous physical activities or other outlets for your aggressive, feisty spirit.

Moon aspects Mars and Neptune:

Although you were portrayed above as being assertive and combative, you have a diametrically opposed tendency as well: The urge to escape all contention and ugliness. This may mellow your fiery reactions somewhat, or you may seesaw between the two. Your softer side is described in the following paragraphs.

Moon Square Neptune:

You are a dreamer, attracted to the inner, mystical side of life, and may have trouble distinguishing the real from the imagined or illusory. You do not enjoy confrontation and become very evasive when problems in your personal life arise, escaping into your imagination in order to avoid dealing with them directly. You are also rather gullible and naive about people, especially if your sympathy has been aroused. You are very sensitive to music and can use it to bring yourself into emotional balance and harmony.

Moon Quincunx Pluto:

Powerful and complex emotions stir you, and your emotional life and closest personal relationships are apt to be tumultuous until you do some deep soul searching. Buried feelings and memories that you do not want to deal with may surface at unexpected times. Holding in fears, secrets, or "taboo" thoughts and feelings can only serve to intensify them, and you need to share them with someone who is sympathetic, trustworthy, and fairly objective. Ridding yourself of emotional compulsions and deeply embedded patterns that do not serve you can be tremendously liberating, if you are willing to do the necessary inner house cleaning.

Venus in Sagittarius:

In love, you seek companionship and friendship with someone who is fun-loving, playful, and open to adventure and new experiences. You enjoy traveling together, meeting new people, making new friends. Honeymooning in a distant place appeals to you, and you are also attracted to foreigners or someone with a totally different background than yourself. You support your partner in taking risks and making positive changes, rather than preserving the status quo. You also very much want a partner who will encourage your own aspirations and dreams. It is very important to you that you have a spiritual or intellectual rapport with your love partner, perhaps more important than the emotional/physical relationship. You are not especially sentimental and your love partner may feel that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough.

Venus in 8th house:

You crave very intense, deep, emotional relationships, and would even prefer a stormy, tumultuous relationship to one which is smooth but lacking vitality and passion. You love wholeheartedly and expect all-consuming, total devotion and attention from your partner. Casual, light relationships hold no appeal for you.

Venus Sextile Uranus:

You need a lot of emotional and romantic stimulation, and may not be very interested in having just one mate or love partner. Variety, excitement, spontaneity, and freedom are quite important to you, and "settling down" isn't that appealing. You tend to surround yourself with unusual, creative, unconventional people that keep your life lively. Music or dancing or both play an important part in your life.

Venus Conjunct Sun/Mars

You are romantic and amorous and have a well-developed sexual nature. You express your feelings openly, but sometimes could feel hurt if people don't respond to you. You also have a strong drive to express yourself in artistic ways.

Venus Conjunct Sun/Neptune

Your constitution tends to be on the weak side and you may tire easily. In love you could be somewhat reserved and have a tendency toward platonic relationships. On the other hand, you also could have questionable romances that leave you disappointed.

Venus Conjunct Mars/N. Node

You like to feel at one with the whole world and are cordial and warm-hearted in collaborating with others. Public-spirited, you seem to be real content and happy only when you are among other people.

Venus Conjunct Neptune/N. Node

You tend to be a bit envious and are inclined to begrudge other people. Quite suspicious, you may misconceive the relationships or associations of others, and become dissatisfied yourself. You also could be subject to improper liaisons.

Section 6: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Sagittarius:

You are aspiring, enterprising, and forever following some bright and distant star, planning some new venture or investigating new potentials. You are definitely "upwardly mobile" in either a material or spiritual sense (or both). You aim high and are not content simply with a quiet, secure existence. You like to stretch your limits, to see how far you can go, and to take risks. You are a positive thinker, expect success for yourself, and are philosophical about failures. You are flexible and bounce back from disappointment rather quickly, usually with another hopeful new idea you want to try. Your enthusiasm and confidence are contagious and enable you to enlist the aid and support you need for your projects. However, you sometimes promise more than you can actually achieve, because you are overly optimistic or pay insufficient attention to the practicalities involved.

You also tend to get distracted and to have too many things going at once. Although it is very difficult for you, there are times when you simply must develop commitment, perseverance, and persistence in order to make your dreams and goals a concrete reality. Too often you fall short of what you could attain because you are unwilling to persist through the difficult or less exciting times.

You also enjoy competition and usually do not take it too seriously. Sports and entrepreneurial endeavors are good ways to channel your energy.

Mars in 7th house:

You are attracted to feisty, dynamic, strong-willed people, and you seem to need a lot of fireworks in your personal relationships. You can be very combative, or get involved with people who are. Ideally you will join with people who are energetic and ambitious, but not too domineering or aggressive.

Mars Conjunct Neptune:

You have a very active and fertile imagination and your ambitions are never strictly mundane, practical, and concrete. You have a strong desire to act out your fantasies, dreams, visions, and ideals. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you. Ordinary life seems drab and uninteresting to you, and you need to have some big dream or something larger than your own narrow personal interests to live for. Sometimes you may be confused about exactly how and where to direct your energy and often drift along rather than making clear decisions about what you want. You have a passive side and at times lack the will power, physical energy, strength, and the fighting spirit to achieve your aims.

Mars Sextile Pluto:

When you want something, you can be amazingly persistent and unrelenting, even a bit obsessed, although quiet about it. In fact you may hide your deep purposes and intentions even from friends. Whenever you do a thing, it is done wholeheartedly and thoroughly -- and if you don't want to do something that others wish you to do, somehow you'll find a way out of it. You're strong, though subtle.

Mars Conjunct Sun/Uranus

Patience is not one of your strong virtues and you do what needs to be done impetuously and hastily, leading to great potential for accidents. You also have a streak of rebellion in you that could bring disputes and arguments with those around you.

Mars Conjunct Jupiter/Uranus

Freedom is very important to you and you will work hard to get it. Quick to act, you want to realize your goals immediately. You have a strong desire to make your fortune in life and tend to take chances with speculative ventures or gambling.

Mars Conjunct Uranus/N. Node

Exercising self-control could be quite difficult for you and you may often become involved in quarrels. Some of these disputes could end in violent behavior, if you are not careful. Being with others seems to put you in a constant state of excitement.

Mars Conjunct Uranus/MC

Eccentric, individualistic and very excitable, you can create a stir wherever you go. If you are not careful, you could often find yourself involved in quarrels or even violent assaults. To avoid trouble, it would be wise for you to learn to deal with others without anger.

MC Conjunct Sun:

Positions of honor, affluence, influence, and stature in your community can be yours. You feel you have a destiny which involves leadership or distinguishing yourself in some line of endeavor. You possess an innate sense of greatness or importance, and a strong drive to achieve recognition for your talent. Avoid excessive egotism and arrogant pride, for these could limit your opportunities.

MC Conjunct Jupiter:

You have noble aspirations and grand plans for yourself. Combining personal goals with humanitarian concerns, philanthropy, and an interest in social betterment, you are apt to be quite successful and influential in your community. You are suited to large, expansive enterprises and dealing with wealth.

Uranus Square MC:

Your drives and ambitions in life may seem crazy or eccentric to the more conservative people you know. There may well be no security or safety net (no retirement pension, no insurance benefits) in the work you do. You are suited for freelancing, or professions that involve lots of change, innovation, variety, irregular schedules, and the like. Expect the unexpected and numerous ups and downs in the course of your life. You may change course often, and try many different things.

Section 7: Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy

Jupiter in Capricorn:

You have an innate shrewdness, and the ability to develop a clear strategy and follow it carefully in order to reach your goals. You also have a natural sense of order, structure, and self-discipline. You are likely to excel, both because you are ambitious and because it is very important to you to do a professional job, no matter what field you are in, or how humble the task.

Jupiter in 9th house:

You are very open-minded and deeply curious about distant places and ways of thinking and living that are different from your own. The urge to travel widely and to experience as much of the world as possible is very strong in you. The study of philosophy or religion also interests you a great deal. You benefit from your contact with other cultures, and you may be involved in linking those who are far apart geographically or philosophically.

Jupiter Square Uranus:

You have a tendency to become overly optimistic about an idea or project, and overshoot the mark in your enthusiasm. You are great at stirring up excitement and enthusiasm, and others enjoy your company, but try not to be unrealistic in what you can expect from a situation.

Jupiter Conjunct Sun/MC

You have a happy disposition along with an optimistic and positive outlook on life. You plan your objectives in a clear-cut fashion and have the ability to succeed. Admiration and success is important to you, and you can achieve great heights in any field.

Jupiter Conjunct Moon/Mars

You experience life with great emotional intensity and feel everything strongly and deeply. You are open, frank and honest and your actions are governed by a strong sense of integrity. You want to achieve your goals in accordance with ethical standards.

Jupiter Conjunct Moon/Neptune

You have abundant powers of imagination and fantasy and could do well in some artistic endeavor, if you are so inclined. You also are intuitively aware of what others are feeling, giving you a very sympathetic and compassionate attitude.

Jupiter Conjunct N. Node/MC

You have a strong desire to live in comfort and enjoy social meetings in a cozy atmosphere. You radiate harmony and joy of life, love pleasant get-togethers, and are likely to entertain a lot.

Section 8: Areas That Challenge You Or Are Difficult For You

Saturn in Gemini:

You doubt your own intelligence and mental capacities, and you may work very hard at studies in order to compensate for this. You are often overly serious and disinterested in light or superficial conversation. Spontaneous communication, social give-and-take, and making small talk are likely to be difficult for you.

Saturn in 2nd house:

Your fears revolve around money and material security, and you work very hard to ensure that your assets are solid. You may be very conservative, even stingy, with your money because you are afraid there won't be enough. You may turn this fear around and become very shrewd about investments and financial matters.

Saturn Opposition Venus/Mars

You may find it difficult to relate to people and express your feelings, especially in love. On one hand, you want relationships and on the other you'd rather be by yourself. A sense of personal inadequacy makes you withdraw from others and feeling lonely as a result.

Saturn Opposition Venus/Neptune

Basically shy, you tend to be somewhat inhibited in love and may feel uncomfortable or awkward expressing your love for someone. You long for love and dream about love, but also are inclined to torment yourself because of a seeming lack of affection.

Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which you instinctively and habitually revert to when under stress - a mostly unconscious process and one which you are apt to overdo because it is so familiar and thus easy for you. The direction you need to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also described.

N. Node in Capricorn:

You have a great capacity for sympathy, tenderness, and caring, which is a gift that you are apt to overdo at times. For balance, you need to develop mature self-discipline, self-control, and personal responsibility.

When under stress, you have a strong instinct to retreat back into the nest, to be a child again, or to become overwhelmed with feelings and longings to be taken care of. Also, you may encourage others to depend upon you emotionally (and otherwise) to an unhealthy degree. You need to learn how to set limits and to turn off the flow of support when necessary.

N. Node in 9th house:

The arena you are most likely to wrestle with these issues is in developing a personal vision or philosophy of life, whether this be through religious or philosophical studies, a broadening education, or visiting and drawing upon the wisdom in distant lands or cultures. Cultivate the qualities described above in this endeavor. Long distance communication and involvement with foreigners is likely to be significant to you.

The following are specific activities that will support you in your growth. These may or may not feel natural to you, and often there is some feeling of resistance or initial awkwardness about doing these things, but they are important on your path to wholeness.

N. Node Conjunct Sun:

Develop true self confidence and the willingness to put yourself "out there", to be seen and to shine. Be willing to take on a leading role, to be a hero, to be a protagonist in your own story by cultivating the courageous, active, and positive masculine qualities you possess. Doing creative work that you are proud of - anything that comes from your heart and bears the stamp of your individuality - is important. Also, being a mentor, a helpful, encouraging force in the life of someone less experienced than you are is a way for you to grow and become more whole yourself.

N. Node Conjunct Jupiter:

Develop faith and confidence both in yourself and in a higher power which can guide, nourish, and help you. Expand your willingness to dream and envision better things in life. Study religion, philosophy, and other subjects that enable you to see a larger, more inclusive view of yourself and the world.

Be generous with your time, energy and resources in helping others achieve a better life, and this in turn will benefit you.

Section 9: Originality and Imagination
Areas Where You Are Creative, Unique, Unstable, or Compulsive

Uranus in 6th house:

Your work habits may be unstructured and you may find it difficult to settle down to a routine task or work situation.

You are interested in new technologies or unusual, even revolutionary methods of solving problems in your work. Nontraditional methods of healing and medicine also fascinate you. You may work in an alternative health field or work for change and reform in whatever field you choose.

Neptune in 7th house:

You often have very naive, idealistic, or overly romantic attitudes toward people, and it's difficult for you to see others realistically. You may prefer to keep your relationships on an idealistic or platonic level, so that you don't have to deal with the more prosaic, earthy, human aspects of relating.

Thoroughly investigate potential marriage or business partners, as your gullibility and desire to see only the best in people may blind you to the truth about others with whom you form a close alliance.

Pluto in 6th house:

You can become obsessed with your health, self-improvement and personal development. The psychological elements of disease interest you, and you may endlessly psychoanalyze yourself and others.

Also, you may work compulsively and exhaust yourself through overwork. You can be a tyrant with co-workers, and it may be easier for you to work in solitude.

Uranus Opposition Moon/Saturn

Emotionally changeable, you tend to have little faith, are low-spirited, and you can't seem to enjoy yourself. Perhaps your early upbringing was filled with feelings of guilt and you were made to behave by fear of severe punishment.

Neptune Conjunct Sun/Uranus

You are high-strung, easily upset and strongly influenced by the conditions in your environment. At times your blind enthusiasm could be detrimental, but on the other hand, your urge to act could also be inhibited.

Neptune Conjunct Jupiter/Uranus

You never seem to plan ahead and tend to take things as they come along. Taking a chance on your future, you may win sometimes and at other times end up disappointed, because your views are inclined to be based on idealism rather than realism.

Neptune Conjunct Uranus/MC

You are inclined to have a rather passive emotional life and could be insecure about your life direction. Full of doubt and fear, you tend to question your objectives and your ability to obtain them.

Section 10: Generational Influences: Your Age Group

In this chapter we will discuss characteristics and traits of your generation. Of course, you may not share all of the characteristics of your generation, but you are greatly affected by the tone that is set by your generation.

The first topic is "The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group". In this section we will describe a deeply felt urge, even compulsion, of your age group. This deeply felt drive comes to the surface with great force and power, and consequently leaves in its wake considerable upheaval and change. The second topic is "The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group", that describes the dreams, fantasies, and spiritual aspirations of your age group. The third and last topic is "What is New and Different in Your Age Group", which describes areas in which your age group tends to be innovative, inventive, unusual, and also where it may be unstable and unreliable.

The characteristics described below may affect a group of people for anywhere from a few years to about 30 years. There are one or more different astrological factors described in each of the three sections below.

The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group

Pluto in Libra:

You are part of a 12 year group of people who are deeply interested in personal relationships. Your age group has a deeply-rooted yearning to see people relating and communicating with each other effectively and harmoniously. There is little egotism and a willingness to hear the other person's side of the story and a readiness to compromise and arbitrate different points of view. In fact, the need for harmonious, peaceful relationships is so strong that there is a tendency to overlook real differences and to focus only on the similarities in an attempt to bring different parties into harmony with each other.

Interest in psychology and sociology is high in your age group. There is a tremendous heightening of awareness of social skills. Your age group will experiment with different marriage styles, family relationships, and even business relationships in an attempt to bring fair treatment and effective communication between people. Interest and appreciation for other cultures is also strong, and your age group will work hard to preserve and support the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups.

Your strong yearning for equitable and harmonious relationships is also reflected in major advancements in trade agreements, arms control, and international cooperation that are designed and implemented by your generation. These agreements and policies foster a much safer and more cooperative environment for all, although there is also a tendency for greedy individuals to take advantage of the conciliatory atmosphere and twist situations to their own ends.

In short, you are part of a generation of individuals who are deeply interested in other people; you are a humanistic and humanitarian group. You will struggle and experiment with personal relationships, and forge new models for how people can relate as friends, family members, and members of nations as well.

The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group

Neptune in Sagittarius:

You are part of a 14 year group of people that are extremely idealistic and farsighted in their dreams. Your age group is very liberal and expansive in outlook, and consequently churches become much more flexible and more eclectic in their approach during your life time. Religions that do not adapt to the broad-minded attitude of your age group simply are unable to attract very much interest and involvement from you.

A great deal of metaphysical musing and speculation is evident in your age group, and there is a very strong interest in all manner of psychic phenomena, UFO's, prophecy, etc. This interest will open many new doors and insights, but will also often lead to a great deal of fantasizing and speculation that is taken more seriously than it should be.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

What is New and Different in Your Age Group

Uranus in Libra:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who strive for greater equality in relationships. You treat parents, children, and spouses much more like friends and equals than other generations do, and many of you will experiment with alternative marriage styles that allow for greater freedom and equality in relationships.




© 2009 Marc Helfer #